
State of the Net Conference, Washington, DC - Richard spoke to an audience of industry leaders and attendee representation included corporations, agencies, as well as members of the Congress and the Senate and their staff.

Whitt AI Interop Deck State of the Net FINAL 021224

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Variations on this presentation will be shared at several events throughout 2024. A PDF of the presentation can be downloaded here.

Carla and Her Data is a research project supported by the Omidyar Network, which explores data and privacy from various angles, including looking at Dr. John Snow, the original "data detective". The free PDF book has been piloted in a college classroom setting and as an intergenerational activity, with positive grassroots impact.

The full PDF is available at: 

Read online in HTML including chapter summaries

Reviews the typical way data is handled through SEAM cycles: surveillance > extraction > analysis > manipulation. Introduces new terms and concepts as a potential response.

Carla Web Comic - a Web comic version of Carla's story that is a journey through learning about data.

GLIAnet Project: learn more about the proposed new ecosystem of trustworthy entities and technologies to support data privacy.

Glia Foundation Activities: articles, podcasts, conference presentations and more.

The GLIA Foundation is dedicated to fostering education and outreach with the goal of creating more human-centric technologies and markets.

Resources: white papers, media articles, law journal essays, videos, etc. on the subject of data privacy and related topics.